how we met
TLDR: We met on Bumble in 2021. We liked each other. Now we're getting married. The end.
Ashley had just moved to California in 2021 after accepting a job in Livermore, CA. Ryan had decided that sunlight wasn't painful after eight years indoors and decided to leave the confines of his house. After a couple swipes on Bumble, Ashley had found Ryan's profile to be interesting since he one—
had a bio with words and sentences that were interesting and actually described him as a person and two—
did not have any pictures with fish or other dead animals.
Ryan and Ashley's first date was at a craft beer bar in Dublin, CA where Ashley proceeded to talk for three hours straight about something or other. Ryan clearly did not dislike Ashley's ability to fill time with words, and they proceeded to spend the entire weekend together.
From then on, they were pretty much inseparable. Layla—
Ashley's dog, now their dog—
showed up on Ryan's doorstep one day with all her stuff to spend time with Ryan on his work-from-home days. Ashley started migrating her stuff down from her apartment in Dublin, CA shortly after. Since early 2022, they've lived together in Newark, CA and Ashley has proceeded to redecorate Ryan's entire house.
Ashley and Ryan are looking forward to starting their married life together, which will likely be exactly the same as their current life considering they already live together and spend far too much time and effort maintaining a dog and lots of plants.